The Online documentation for IPv6 is not dealing with the case of Debian 8, Ubuntu, or any distribution using systemd. Systemd replaces upstart, so the procedure has to be extended to add systemd service for startup, replacing the previoux behavior that was using init scripts.

Ensure that you are IPv6-proof

It should be the case as Debian 8 is shipping a kernel with native IPv6, but just to be sure :

In /etc/modprobe.d/local.conf :

options ipv6 disable=0

In /etc/modules :


You may have to reboot in order to apply the changes.

Set up your IPv6 prefix and get your DUID on Online console

You have to request IPv6 activation to support and create your /64 on Online console before getting your DUID working.

Make a /64 and do not use your /48 or your /56 directly, as you may regret it. You can have only one /48 by account, one /56 by server, and one /64 by IP failover (the /48 is divided to make the /56 and so on).

Configure your network interface

It may not be mandatory as Dibbler will reconfigure your interface, but you have to ensure that you accept router advertisements. Add to /etc/network/interfaces :

iface eth0 inet6 static
    address your_ipv6_address
    netmask 64
    accept_ra 2

Notes about Proxmox and forwarding

On Proxmox, you are working on the bridge interface, it should be vmbr0 instead of eth0.

If you enabled forwarding on this interface (to give your VM an access to IPv6 network), you have to force the accept_ra to 2, while the default value of 1 wil make your Debian to ignore router advertisements when forwarding is enabled ! Read more. Add to sysctl.conf :

net.ipv6.conf.vmbr0.accept_ra = 2

Also do not set the IPv6 interface of your VM to vmbr0, as you can break your network access. Read more.

Compile and install Dibbler

  • Download Dibbler 1.0.1 from the offical website.
  • Install build-essential : apt-get install build-essential
  • Extract Dibbler : tar -xzf dibbler-1.0.1.tar.gz && cd dibbler-1.0.1
  • Compile and install Dibbler : ./configure && ./make

Configure Dibbler

Make the directories and set up according to the documentation :

Set up duid :

mkdir /var/lib/dibbler/
touch /var/lib/dibbler/client-duid
chmod 640 /var/lib/client-duid
# Set up you duid in client-duid
vim /var/lib/client-duid

Set up client.conf :

mkdir /etc/dibbler
vim /etc/dibbler/client.conf

The content of my client.conf :

auth-protocol reconfigure-key
auth-replay monotonic
auth-methods digest-hmac-md5
duid-type duid-ll
log-level 8
iface eth0 {

Note that if your interface name is different you have to change it accordingly. For instance, on a Proxmox host server, it should be vmbr0 instead of eth0.

Start dibbler to try the connectivity :

dibbler-client run

Hit CTRL+Z to suspend the process and check that the IP and routes are configured. Type the command “fg” to get back to the running process and hit CTRL+C to stop it.

If it doesn’t work, check your firewall, dibbler needs to listen port 546 UDP.

Set Dibbler at startup

This section differs from Online documentation.

Before systemd, the dependency-based boot sequence only needed an init script, for instance /etc/init.d/dibbler . With systemd, you have to make a service file in /etc/systemd/system/ .

Make the following file : /etc/systemd/system/dibbler.service :


ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/dibbler-client start
ExecStop=/usr/local/sbin/dibbler-client stop


Run the following command to make systemd read file :

systemctl daemon-reload

Enable the service :

systemctl enable dibbler.service

And then, try to start it :

systemctl start dibbler.service

Check everything is fine :

service dibbler status
route -6

Reboot and the IPv6 networking should work at startup ! :)

Addendum : just in case, don’t use resolvconf with IPv6 DNS pushing and if possible keep IPv4 DNS, it would be such a pity if the IPv6 networking crashes while your DNS servers are set to IPv6 addresses (yeah, it happened to to me)…
