
  • A Debian machine to backup, let's call it production
  • A backup server, with SSH access (SSH is required for rsync, but an FTP server can do the job), let's call it backup

Configure the backup user on the remote machine

In order to send the backed up files to backup, we will need a way to authenticate from production without specifying a password.

First, be root on production : sudo -s

Then, create ssh key pairs : ssh-keygen -t rsa

The public key will set up on /root/.ssh/ and the private key in /root/.ssh/id_rsa

Now, let's consider backup, check if your SSH server on backup acccepts the public key authentications. In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, you should have the lines :

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile     %h/.ssh/authorized_keys

If not, simply add it (and restart ssh service).

Now, add the prod_server user on backup : useradd prod_server
You may want to change its home, I assume you know how to do it.

Now, back to production, simply copy the SSH public key to the backup file named /home/prod_server/.ssh/authorized_keys
The trashy way : scp /root/.ssh/ root@backup:/home/prod_server/.ssh/authorized_keys
The classic way : copy/paste the content of production:/root/.ssh/ at the end of the file backup:/home/prod_server/.ssh/authorized_keys

If you did it right, you should now be able to ssh from production to backup without password.

Install backupninja (and friends)

On production, use the Debian magic line : sudo apt-get install backupninja duplicity rsync

Configure databases dump

Okay, let's start configuring backupninja !

For MySQL, copy the sample file from /usr/share/doc/backupninja/examples/example.mysql to /etc/backup.d/10-alldb.mysql and change it for your own needs (the file is pretty trivial and well commented).

databases   = all
backupdir   = /var/backups/mysql
hotcopy     = no
sqldump     = yes
compress    = yes
configfile = /etc/mysql/debian.cnf

For PostgreSQL, all the same ! Copy /usr/share/doc/backupninja/examples/example.mysql to /etc/backup.d/10-alldb.pgsql and change the desired values.

backupdir = /var/backups/postgres
databases = all
compress = yes
format = plain

Why am I using that weird 10- at the beginning of the file ? For the same reason you have to prefix your files with number in Nginx configuration : for precedence. I need the database dumps to be done just before the files backup, otherwise, backupninja will send to duplicity the dumps of yesterday, and next create new dumps without including it in the Duplicity files for the current backup ! So, my database backup configuration files have to be like 10- and my Duplicity configuration file should be like 20-, for instance.

Note that the SQL dumps will be generated in /var/backups/ .

Configure Duplicity files backup

Again, copy the sample file : cp /usr/share/doc/backupninja/examples/example.dup /etc/backup.d/20-files.dup

And change its values :

# Disable testconnect because we use desturl
testconnect = no

# You may change this if you are a partition-maniac
tmpdir = /tmp

# Using symetric encryption for archive files
# Note that an encryption method is mandaory, either with symetric or private keys
# Don't forget to note that password somewhere !
password = whateveryouwant

# Specify the paths to your files
include = /var/spool/cron/crontabs
include = /var/log
include = /var/mail
include = /var/www
include = /etc
include = /root
include = /home
include = /usr/local

# And to your database dumps !
include = /var/backups/mysql
include = /var/backups/postgresql

# There are some files we don't need
# Don't forget to add the tmpdir in the exclude list, if it was included in the previous paths !
exclude = /home/*/.gnupg
exclude = /var/cache/backupninja/duplicity
exclude = /tmp

# Adjust these to your own taste
incremental = yes
increments = 15
keep = 30
keepincroffulls = all

# Specify the backup server crendentials
## desturl = file:///usr/local/backup
## desturl = rsync://
## desturl = s3+http://
## desturl =
desturl = rsync://prod_server@backup//home/prod_server/data

# Only if you choose FTP
# ftp_password = whateveryouwant

Note that this setup uses symetric encryption for duplicity archives, if you want an asymetric encryption to enforce the safety of your backups, you should read the docs and adapt this sample configuration.

Configure backupninja update frequency

You may have noticed that backupninja set up a cronjob in /etc/cron.d/backupninja but if you open that file, you will notice that this cronjob runs every hour. Why ? Because this cronjob is only used to start the backup manager, to check if a refresh is needed, not to actually run the backup every hour. You can set the backup frequency in the file /etc/backupninja.conf :

when = everyday at 01:00

Adjust it to your needs, and then save it. Note that you can combo multiple lines, if you want multiple start dates (read more).

Run you first backup, and check it

It's time for the first run ! If you don't want to wait for the cronjob, execute your first run with the command backupninja -d -n

If you see no errors, Bravo ! you have configured backupninja !

Now, let's check our backup : connect to backup and list files under /home/prod_server/data/

You should see the files created by duplicity, you cannot use it without some commands :

  • Show the collection status : duplicity collection-status file:///home/prod_server/data
  • List files in archive : duplicity list-current-files file:///home/prod_server/data
  • Restore the latest backup in a specific directory duplicity restore file:///home/prod_server/data/ /home/prod_server/test-restore/ (if you see errors but files are there after the command, it's because duplicity tries to chown files, while you were not root when starting the command).

Note that you must  have Duplicity installed on backup  on in order to use these commands on backup.

Also note that instead of using file:// on backup, you can run the command on production and use the ssh desturl.


You should now be able to implement a complete backup solution, using backupninja.

I hope this post was useful to you, you can write a comment below if you experienced problems with this how-to.